In the middle of the exchange
EYE, I already miss you
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Story 1 – Harrie Damen – The Netherlands
The sense of growth and accomplishment I felt by the end of those two weeks was something I will always carry with me.
Story 1 – Magdalena Krolikowska – Spain
In conclusion, the first 15 days of the EYE program have already shown me the immense value this opportunity brings, not just in terms of personal and professional growth, but as a powerful business opportunity.
Story 2 – Zofia Dzień – Spain
The knowledge and skills I’ve gained thus far have also equipped me to adapt these strategies for the Polish market, where I hope to develop similar social initiatives in the future.
Story 1 – Piotr Gawęcki – Spain
I hope that the EYE program will help me develop skills in planning, negotiations, and project management.
Story 1 – Natalia Szpineta – Portugal
I am thrilled to share my experience as a participant in the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) program.
Story 1 – Maria Borriello – Spain
I believe that this experience can really contribute to my growth both in human terms because of the relationship that develops with colleagues and students, and in professional terms because of the great amount of things I can learn.
Story 2 – Liz van Oene – Germany
Every week that I spend here offers me the knowledge I was searching for when starting this process.
Story 2 – Miguel Sousa – Germany
Overall, this experience is proving to be transformative, offering both immediate benefits and laying the groundwork for future opportunities in my practice.
Story 2 – Matilde Mussoni – Belgium
My HE always makes sure to guide in the everyday life of an entrepreneur and shows me all the possible aspects of a flourishing business.
Story 2 – Maria Trojnar – Spain
There is still plenty to learn, and I am looking forward to the rest of my time here to build on what I have already achieved.
Story 2 – Fabio Orlandi – The Netherlands
This experience has reinforced the importance of adaptability and patience in a professional exchange setting.
Story 2 – Martina Bisagno – The Netherlands
The first half of my stay abroad has been quite an exciting yet challenging experience with high contributions to personal and professional growth.
Story 3 – Jelle Moortgat – Spain
My EYE experience has been a transformative journey, uncovering my passion for hospitality and refining my business skills.
Story 3 – Elias Lont – Spain
I participated in the exchange in order gain a wider understanding of the european architecture market and build a professional network of local connections that could collaborate.
Story 3 – Oliwia Podobińska – Spain
This opportunity has allowed me to develop not only my photography and videography expertise but also to learn how to manage my business more effectively.
Story 3 – Martina Bisagno – The Netherlands
This experience has been transformative, allowing me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical challenges, develop international marketing skills, and build a strong network of professionals.
Story 3 – Fabio Orlandi – The Netherlands
My EYE experience allowed me to contribute with my existing skills, such as creating a website and social media content.
Story 3 – Rebecca Cerrone – Spain
I gained a lot of skills and competence that you can only learn working. The most beautiful and useful experience I could ever take.