That’s a picture of a drawing by Viana da Lima architect.
It’s a current exhibition in the headquarter of the Ordem dos arquitectos – Secção regional Sul close to Nuno’s office. Indeed, the activities of the atelier are not related only to to the practice, but also to the architectural thinking.
Cultural activities outside the office, made together the young colleagues during the last working-day hour, are very interesting.That’s a fundamental point to increase and share ideas between the collaborators of the atelier.
The second month is already started as me and Nuno had planned.
I’m just enter in the workflow of the team that is designing a multifunctional complex close to Carcavelos.
I’m understanding the issues and problems related to these kind of big project where the architects have to give an exact answer to a specific touristic demand.
The key is to design a building where everything has to be optimized.