This month passed very fast due to the fact that it was quite busy here at ICIRED. Having finished the task concerning the website speed the next interesting project was to work on the content. To improve On page-SEO Rafael and I planned to create a couple of short explaining videos for our different services. Since the services of ICIRED being an online list of debtors and therefore a quite innovative business we are looking for ways to connect to our future customers taking also into account that these videos have an extra positive effect on our website performance.
So I was out to look for an efficient video tool. Having found the Animaker tool and figuring out how to work with it, I was working on a screenplay to tell our story and express it through a cartoon. As this is task needs a lot of attention and need to be considered with my colleagues and reconsidered after changes have been made this work process ongoing.
Meanwhile this month there was another project I was working on. Since ICIRED offers an online service we are in contact with our clients via mail, chats or telephone. To improve our services we are creating feedback forms that we can install on our website. Considering this task me and another colleague are working on the technical implementation as well as on the content referring to the feedback questions.
In general, it has been a very interesting month working on new subjects learning a lot of new things. I am looking forward to the next months and the new tasks. Furthermore, I feel very comfortable here at ICIRED.