
5 weeks ago I started working at BrewBaker.The time passes so quickly, especially when learning something new with great enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, I gained some experience in using different kind of machines and devices. Considering that I knew things like compressors, pumps, CO2 tanks, and the single parts of entire pipeline systems only by being mentioned, but hardly by using them by myself. I am more and more convinced, that in order to become a brewer, you have to be a plumber as well! This must be the reason, why the percentage of women working in the field of artisan beer production is only at 10 to 15%. A fact that makes me even more proud of becoming – slowly but steadily – a part of it all!

One of the most important issues concerning the artisan production of beer is – without any doubt – hygiene. Considering and respecting all its single aspects, the procedures and measurements become very labour-intensive and time consuming, since each and every step requires specific cleaning agents. For example, if the fermentation tanks are not cleaned appropriately, the presence of bacteria might harm or at least affect the action of yeasts during the fermentation process. Indeed, a slight microbiological contamination is sometimes enough to lose an entire batch of production.

However, these incredibly craft-oriented steps in the production cycle – both very tough and sometimes even annoying – are almost fully compensated by experiencing the creation of a handcrafted and unique product. It is simply fantastic to see how it all gets together finally. And believe me, there is nothing more beautiful and appetizing than the aroma that is emitted during the boiling of the beer wort!





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