“Erasmus once, Erasmus forever” we usually said during my student carrer, and I didn’t want stop this kind of feeling. Be an Erasmus, for me, means discovery, curiosity of everything is different from you. During my Erasmus in Portugal, as a student, and in Croatia, as a marketing intern, I learned different cultures, new languages, I met new friends around the world, I opened my mind, and now I’m a richer person.
My name is Enrico, I come from a little city in Sardinia, Sassari. I studied Business Management, I went twice in Erasmus, as I said, and after my graduation I have worked in my place, when I decided to undertake this new adventure in Berlin with the Erasmus Entrepreneur with the company Mitosis Co-working.
Why Berlin? Berlin is the centre of the economy of Europe, and full of young people with great new ideo of business. Be here means have the possibility to know the future, learn how to create and manage a good company learning from the best entrepreneurs.
Mitosis is one of this company. Mitosis is a co-working space, full of international people working in various fields such as programming, economy, art, languages, philosophy etc., people can see their ideas grow and become reality.
The owner are two young friends, the Italian Guglielmo Apolloni and the Syrian Sepehr Sobhani, they are two incredible guys and for them Mitosis is a big family, and probably this is one of the secret of this company.
I’m happy to be here, I’m learning a lot from them, especially from Guglielmo that is a great expert of social business, and I will help him with some projects in the future. I have, again, the possibility to learn new skills, and I can’t really wait!
I’ll be here until the middle of march, it’s going to be a great experience!
Less and less I’ll tell you my adventure here, in this big city.
Stay tuned!
All the best