After a long search in the vast panorama of London – and thanks to the precious collaboration of IO Rinova – my EYE has finally started!

My goal was to make an exchange with an organization that produced photography in a cultural sense, and this desire was perfectly fulfilled by entering into the world of Four Corners. In fact, Four Corners is a learning, production and exhibition centre for film and photography. The staff is made up of a small number of people who each perform a different task, making the context truly familiar and easy-going.

In these first two weeks I took the first steps within the ambitious project of the center: to create a digital archive of the various documents produced and collected by the Four Corners between 1967 and 1987, with its exhibitions, publications and collaborations (ie magazines, articles, photographic prints, posters, photographic films and video tapes).

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More precisely, I’m dealing with the digitization of all these media, I’m studying the physical archive, making an inventory and understanding all the organizations involved, collaborating practically to what will be the final exhibition and the launch of the website.

At the same time I am participating at talks and exhibitions realized within the gallery, creating every day a network of people who work in photography and video.

If these are just the first two weeks – very active – I can’t wait for the next!




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