Hello from Kozani, here to recount my wonderful and productive experience of EYE in Stelios apicultural activity!
In these two weeks we continued to make precautions for the winter; our target was to leave inside each apiary around 12 kilogram of honey in order to feed the bees, so we add some honeycombs containing honey in some apiary where was missing and conversely we collected some where the quantity of honey was significant. Like this our apiary are right now ready to stand the winter.
The temperature that will arrive in the next months will be decisive for the life of the bees, and our activity could get big lost from big cold. In order to avoid it we went in these days around in the area looking for the definitive place where the apiary will spend the next months; we were looking for a raised place where the north wind could be stopped by the arise and the water doesn`t stagnate close to the apiary. We found the best one not far away from our previous position, again in Epanomi area. So after that we did the transport of all the apiaries, and this time we did by day because even in this time all the bees where inside the apiary cause the cold and so we could close the door and start the transport.
[su_custom_gallery source=”media: 3820,3821,3822,3823,3824,3825,3826,3827,3828″ limit=”33″ link=”lightbox” width=”200″ height=”200″ title=”never”]Furthermore we did the beehives inspection looking for the Acaro Barroa and its damage; we noticed that is still present in several apiaries that`s why we did again the therapy with the cardboard plunged in a mix of olive oil and oxalate acid. Additionally we recognized several insects moving close to the apiaries to eat the dead bees and even this is important to face because the bees will not work calm till there will be enemies out of the apiary.
Finally Niko showed me how in these cold days the bees were not going out of the apiary, this is important to recognized because as they don`t fly out cause the cold even our opening the apiary will create a damage to them and we have to pay attention.
That`s all for today, appointment to the next report!!!