During the 11 and 12 weeks there were many things happening. Just before Christmas there was a deadline fo r the Dordrecht project, for which additionaly the team prepared a laser cut model and a booklet. Even before I had the chance to grasp how to operate the laser cut, which was an interesting and useful experience.

Also just before Christmas another commisssion appeared. It was a house for a private investor in Almere. The deadline was extremely fast so the work had to go quickly. He wanted a house from containers. A colleague together with my HE prepared the concept and floorplans. In the New Year I was also involved in the project, working on a visualisation, the sections and elevations. It was really interesting to see that even in the limited time we were able to accomplish a fine result, satisfying also for the client.

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After that the main focus of the office is the competition for the expansion of the Ajax football team. As it is a known presence in Amsterdam and Europe, the competition is taken seriously and all the team is working on it at the moment. First my focus was on the floorplans, and now the work is more a teamwork focused on representing the concept in a clear way.





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