In this second month of Erasmus, the Young Enterpreneur Gaia Iaizzo came alive in the administrative aspects of the Company.
In addition to participating in all the activities of the Center, such as: creative workshops, cooking studio and workroom, course of dance and karate, she participated as an educator at the “Stage of Spring” and was, and she still is, an active part of the creation and sponsorship of the “Summer Internship” to be held in July.
In addition to the practical part she has joined me in the bureaucratic practices of the educational center such as the sorting of bank transfers of parents for children’s enrollment in various courses, the payment of the various employees with RIP models of occasional performance, as well as the expenses of profits for the local for rent and operating expenses.
The New Entrepreneur is becoming increasingly concerned and collaborative, it’s a pleasure working with her.
Clorinda Venturiello