In this last month, the collaboration between the lawyer Nicolella and me has been more intense. We have strong worked on each dossier, that we have produced in this period of exchange. We have builded different synergies between us and some clients of the law firm and we have founded new potential customers. At the moment we are working on the Eu Call for proposal: Interreg Atlantic Area I°First Call – The Programme funds transnational cooperation projects among Atlantic regions of 5 European countries, in the fields of Innovation & competitiveness; resource efficiency; territorial risks management; biodiversity and natural & cultural assets and SMEs. We are involved in a project research for a enterprise, which works in the touristical sector near Mont Saint Michel (Normandie).

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Furthermore the activities of my EYE range over in other aspects, which i have decided to implement: the knowledge of European Institutions and the French. In these last weeks i have partecipated in different events at the committee of the Regions (CoR), an EU advisory body composed of locally and regionally elected representatives coming from all 28 Member States to assist to different sessions of work on SMEs & Innovation at Local level and c/o European Commission to take books, brochures and other publications of the European Union Institutions about the European programmes and calls.

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In general, i want develop in this last period of EYE all the possible activities to permit ourselves to continue our work in streinght collaboration with the law firm Nicolella in the SMEs consultancy sector.




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