It’s been another interesting period since I am exchanging knowledge and experience with the owners and the employees in the company Pashmere. And yet I am here already 2 months!

The passed weeks were full of useful information and observation, that I am “saving in the hard disk of my head” for the implementation of my own small business. There are numerous of things that I have learned about the production process, including those that couldn’t be find anywhere online or in the books – the so called day-to-day business tricks and experience. But undoubtedly the knitting process including all it’s stages from A till Z was something that just made a huge impression for me. From programming the machines to produce the needed product to the stunning hand work made by special knowledge owning senior employees, from understanding and performing by myself the very important quality check of every smallest piece that is being produced till understanding the putting all together parts in one magnificent product process. From monitoring the material cutting stage till understanding that every cutted piece is being recycled in order not to pollute our environment and reuse all the left overs (which are being reused by other companies, as Pashmere uses only the first highest quality materials).

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The days spent in the production areas was so far the best experience of this programme – it is something that I am more than grateful to my mentor to share with me and let me in his family business as like I am the company’s family member. Thank you Gabriele and the programme for this opportunity!




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