During the past weeks I have been focussed on the organizational and structural part of the upcoming Multilanguage Camp. I have received a detailed task overview from my project manager, in which my key responsibility, which is the context analysis of the target to be defined, is explained.
Since another new entrepreneur and an EVS volunteer have been added to the project, a specific task division and communicational strategy between us has been decided by the president of the organization, in order for us to learn how to support each other’s key responsibilities to meet certain deadlines. The data of different events to present and promote our upcoming project have been defined and various meetings have taken place with the responsible members of the Marketing team and the project manager.

I have been collecting socio-demographic and ethnographic data about our target and started with the context analysis of our project. Since communication and the content creation of the camp activities are taking place at the same time, I have been creating promotional and informational articles and news which were posted on our website and social media pages.
Also, I have been delivering ideas for intercultural activities that can be included in the ‘Multilanguage Camp Guide’, that will be created as a support tool for future project implementation. In addition, I have had the opportunity to realize some interviews with public school teachers of classes where the organization is already active in, experiencing and observing their activities and acquiring relevant information for the preparation of the summer camp. I have translated the official presentation of the project from Italian into English and I have made a contact list with associations, consulates and educational bodies that were approached for the promotion of our project.

In the upcoming weeks specific attention will be paid to the preparation and realization of the events where the project will be presented for the first time and networking will be taking place with the different interesting actors, through interviews and personal visits. Besides, I will continue with the on- and offline communication and promotion of the project and with the on-and offline research on market competitors, sponsors and our target.




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