I am writing this last report with a bit of sadness today, from Four Corners, a place that now I could call as “home”. The exhibition will be launched in few days, in here there’s a big adrenalin, and we’re preparing with passion and irony the last things, such as printing, framing, setting up the gallery and social media marketing.
These six months are flyied, and each phase of the project has been extremely productive, giving me a challenge in many ways – and also giving me the chance to travel a bit in England, seeing other cities like Bristol, Canterbury and Dover.[su_custom_gallery source=”media: 4970,4971,4972,4973,4974,4975″ limit=”33″ link=”lightbox” width=”200″ height=”200″ title=”never”]

During my past I’ve already lived outside from my hometown, but living in a metropolis abroad is a completely different experience. London is a difficult city, where every day you cross millions of people on your way, and from some of them you can see a kind of exhaustion in their eyes – trying to go at the same rhythm of the city.
In here you learn to live with people who has got a completely different culture from yours, you learn to be strong when small details – such as food and climate – begin to make you feel homesick; but above all, you understand the impact of your own resourcefulness in your work growth. What I’ve learn after this professional exchange is exactly this: to try your best in inventing new professional perspectives, in a creative way, and then directing our energies in the right direction.
I believe that every person who left for this exchange had a great curiosity and great fear at the same time; and what you bring back at home, after, is certainly a great desire to continue to challenge yourself again, meet new people and new places, exchange opinions with those you do not know – and in this way growing and growing, always.

I would like to say a heartfelt Thank You to all the staff of Four Corners!




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