Despite that time is passing fastly, I feel that the experience I am gaining in Pashmere is overreaching my expectations. Learning from real daily work, from experienced people and participating in usual activities is the best school for gaining the fashion business management experience!
I could just shortly mention that in the last month of the programme I’ve spent time in the Sales department and learned about the sales strategies and how specific actions to implement them are being created, what are the key objectives to act in one or another direction, how to determine the pricing and foreseen and implement other sales related issues. Not only I’ve observed and learned those things, but also I have shared my experience and compared the things I have learned here with the ones from my previous experiences and employments in Lithuania. In September I have also spent time in Construction & design department and have deepened my knowledge in this specific area of the business. And last, but not the least, I had an amazing time in the company’s factory outlet (after all I’m just a woman, who surely loves all those amazing pieces and couldn’t resist to try many of them!), which is just right to the main HQ in Perugia.
Could it be a better way of learning what to run a fashion business means? Well, for the time being I can honestly say – I doubt that, so TIME, PLEASE STOP RUNNING SO FAST, ’cause I want to learn more! 🙂