First two weeks
In the first two weeks we presented each other inside the team and set priorities together and set short-term and long-term goals. We have further developed the business plan implementing strengths and focusing on weaknesses to limit them as much as possible (SWOAT ANALYSIS Implementation)
The work environment is positive, I stand alongside colleagues from all countries, resulting in great mental openness and contribution from different points of view.
My host provided me with a large team and a computer with all the software needed to create and edit media for the platform.
Second two weeks
During working on the beta version of the platform I am learning, thanks to the contribution of the host’s webmaster, to use programs such as WordPress, AdobePremier and Photoshop, essential for developing an Internet site and for writing and uploading multimedia.
We have refined the logo and homepage of the site, and we are planning the advertising.
Following my host suggestion, I’ve looked at the issues about advertising on Google. I was officially certified with Google Adwords Basic and specialized in advertising on the DIspaly Network (eg: Youtube).
The judgment of the experience continues to be positive and we look forward to coming months with anxiety to see the first fruits of our work.