Spring has come, and here at Fyne Ales we’re working for one of the biggest Scottish festival: FyneFest. From 10th to 12nd of June all the glen will be turned into a mega park, where people enjoy beers, music, food and relaxing.
Meanwhile all-days jobs are carried out: washing casks, racking beers, cleaning vessels and tanks, managing the cellar. We are used to split tasks among us when jobs in the two breweries are not so hard, and sometimes I gave help in the taproom to sell beers and talk with customers to explain beers and their characteristics.
Last weekend two Italian brewers came to visit us: Enrico and Marcello from Birrificio Dada. They brewed a collaboration beer with us: a Golden Ale based on table of 4, made up of 4 types of malt, 4 hops and 4% ABV. It’s a strange way to think about a beer, but Dada’s boys are awesome for that!
It’s always a pleasure to meet guys from your country, and I promise to visit the brewery and enjoy a beer with them certainly when I will come back in Italy.
In April 16th will be a great event here at Fyne Ales: two guys from Rome will cook a real porchetta with a Scottish hog, and people will taste it here at the brewery, enjoying a good beer and listening great music. I’ll write about this event next time.
Stay tuned!