I’m back in Matera from the 29 March. Three months after my last stay I’ve passed two fully weeks.

Building my stage

I had first to finish the documentary started in December. It was really interesting to do the subtitles of the interviews from different languages to Italian with the help of Ali who speaks a lot of African’s dialects. Finally the documentary is a short cut of 26 minutes. The first that long I do alone – I mean for the technical part (shooting, editing, subtitles, colors corrections). Then, with the same materials, I’ve done another shorter video of 6 minutes, for the promotion of this kind of project – theater workshop for migrant’s communities. Now I will translate the documentary in French and in English, because I think that the message could be interesting not only for Italians!

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Then we have done another theatrical performance, the thirst, of In Cerca di un comune approdo (the show with the adolescents of the documentary). And because they had to do another one when I wasn’t here, in December I’ve done a map light and a show’s sequence. The one I’ve done, let’s say, was ‘’experimental’’, but it appears that it works!

“Lavora allo IAC”

The IAC is looking for a person responsible of the administration, a media manager, to help them to do more projects and better. Also with a view on the festival, which will be in July. So we’ve done a short video of presentation of the IAC. The recruitment campaign is interesting, because they don’t make individual’s interviews, but one half-day seminar with all the persons interested.

Show “Tranquillo prof la richiamo io”

The last, but not least, thing that I can talk about for the moment is one show done at the IAC. I was in charge of the lightning so we’ve installed the space – lights, seats… Then we’ve done with Carlo –the actor – two run-throughs. It’s was really interesting to work on a show just for one time, because you have to understand quickly the intention, the mood and how the show has been thought. This kind of spectacle at the IAC, is included on a scheduling until the end of May. It’s more or less one show by week.




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