During the first weekend of May Aberdeen hosted the North Hop Festival, three days of beer, food and music. Our brewery was represented by me, Malcolm (head brewer), Lynsey and Matt (sales managers). It was a very exciting experience, in which I met some brewers from across Scotland and enjoying very good beers and food (Scottish eggs were very delightful!). Scottish people loved our beers and a lot of them promised to come at FyneFest this year.
In the brewery work goes on very fast, because FyneFest is not so far. We increased the number of brewed beers and there are almost no empty spaces in the cellar at this point. Everyone has talked about our festival as one of the greatest in Scotland and I’m looking forward to enjoy it!
My recipe for the beer is completed and next week I’ll brew it probably. It will be a “special bitter” made by Maris Otter and Crystal malt and hopped with an english classical variety (Whitbread Golding). A deep ruby coloured beer, with a low percentage of ABV, full of malt sweetness and hop aroma.
From a scientific side, me and Malcolm are investigating about brewhouse efficiency and we discovered a problem during the first phases of the process. I collected all data of 2015/2016 brews and during the monthly meeting with Jamie (managing director) we fixed new guidelines for the research: investigating about mashing and sparging process. This is a critical point because brewhouse efficiency could increase of 10 percentage point at least, if lacks will be worked out.