My last month here it is just started. And I already have a terrible nostalgia.
Nevertheless last weeks were very interesting and funny because we have also had the King’s Day: the main event here in Nederlands. As you can see through the pictures I posted here, we had celebrated completely dressed in orange. It was the dress-code, and the entire city it’s been orange colored![su_custom_gallery source=”media: 4635,4636,4637,4638″ limit=”33″ link=”lightbox” width=”200″ height=”200″ title=”never”]

Anyway, we have also had worked! I edited a “Case Video” for #tagged, the short movie of Martijn Winkler (my boss), and now it is participating in a Brooklyn Film Festival in the U.S and it’s so amazing for Vertov, the digital
storytelling company where I work.

Finally, I have fingers crossed because I’m waiting for the response for two projects where I should work as a main author! I love Amsterdam and I love the Erasmus For Young Entrepreneurs project, also for the incredible
experiences is giving me.




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