Good morning to everyone! 😉 it’s Roberta Laguardia from Liverpool.
In the last report, i introduced the start of my activities here with the managers Margaret Connell and Siobhan Noble and the director Mike Levanzin. Well, i’m very happy to tell you that now we’re starting solidly to achieve our goals.

During our first meeting, we thought about the strategy of how to produce a theatrical show. The market dynamics in England are very different when compared with Italy.

Our first step is to propose the show to the local Council of Liverpool and the government in England, so we are starting to put together all the information necessary to complete the documents.
In England there are several chances to apply for economic support for art during the year so the opportunities to produce different artistic projects are concrete.

As regards the artistic aspect, i’m working on the English version of my show “Franca. Omaggio a Franca Rame” alone, with the director Mike Levanzin and an english teacher Helen Cox. Her support is fundamental in order to be precise with the monologues of my show in english but also for the general improvement of my english.

So for now fingers crossed and work hard to achieve our goal!

Thank you very much for your attention and i will give you another update soon!!!




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