Another month of my EYE program in Belgium is gone.
I’m learning a lot. We always do networking activities at the parliament, with private entities, parliamentary officials, and other officials working in different EU institutions and bodies.
I’m still following the same projects for the moment. We have finished, the first part of the feasibility studies. The research was made following a specific and clear method. First of all, we studied the product in itself, after we studied the market in Italy and in Europe in order to understand the appeal in the market and in which sectors is mostly used or sold. So other two steps are now on the agenda: find projects and best practicies granted by the EU and involving the same product, and find calls for proposal matching with the features and informations got until now.
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In order to achieve this second goal, I’m learning how to surf in the different website of EU institutions to get the right informations about calls for proposal and other news.
At the same time, I’m preparing an official document providing our research and we’re organising an event with the clients in order to show the results of our research and to understand how to proceed.
Moreover after work, in order to get as much experience as possible in the EU environment I participated to the European Music Council Conference and to the Innovation and Cultural Heritage Conference.
I have also continued to discover the city visiting Eurantica, a famous Art Fair in Brussels, the Belgian Comic Strip Center, the most popular museum in Brussels, located in a beautiful Art Nouveau building created by Victor Horta.
I could not miss a visit to one of the famous belgian trappist abbey so I went to the Westvleteren Abbey, where monks make one of the most famous beer in the world nominated the best one, for the last seven years. Now I’m really into the Belgian spirit!