Hi people!
It’s been more than a month now that I’m working with a record label! Time really flies, especially when you do something that you love, with amazing people and in a wonderful production studio!
The more I keep working here, the more it gets really incredible. I can say that my adjusting period is over as I start now feeling comfortable and at “home” at the studio. In the last month I got to know, not only the work and the different task that need to be done to accomplish it, but also the people working with me. So now I can say that I was really lucky to share this important time with such helpful and great colleagues. Beyond of having an inspiring work environment, this makes me feel free to express my ideas and my opinions when it comes to some aspect of the job. In this way I don’t feel any pressure and I can give my 100% contribution.
In these 2 weeks I’ve been continuing the digital marketing and promotion I wrote about previously, plus, encouraged by my curiosity, I started to help the studio in the aspect that concern the video production. Having the chance of learning not only what I was hoping, but also other “collateral” and useful knowledge is relevant, as I think that somehow every skill helps the other to grow, and thus having a 360° perspective over one sector (audiovisual production in this case) is important because new ideas can come over more easily. After all it’s all about being creative and use the tools we’ve got in the most accurate way.
This week also brought me to think, and re-think, the way I would like start my own record label, the difficulties that I’ll find at the beginning and the possible solutions. The more the program goes on I get a better analysis over my entrepreneur skills and I wonder where I should get better in order to achieve what I aim for and I can’t wait to discover where all of this will lead me.