At the beginning of the last two weeks I’ve been involved in a couple meetings regarding the communication future strategies of my host on which I could share some ideas and discuss with him. We had such interesting exchange actually!
I could reflect on my strategies aswell and take some notes about interesting points to use for my project.
I’ve also attended several meeting regarding a project for the new premise with the HE and local stakeholders to discuss design details.
I had the chance to have a proper pitch explaining the project to a partner client. At the beginning I was worried about my english public speaking but regarding that I can say that I received positive feedback about the comprehensibility of my presentation.
I really wish to boost improve my english public speaking as it is on my opinion a fundamental detail to improve efficiency and credibility of a good project itself.
Working on the design of the new premise I delivered also the task to contact suppliers in order to ask for quotes and negotiate offers. About this point now I start feeling more aware about the relationships with possible new suppliers and how to manage these networks.

Last but not least we’ve also had the staff’s day trip this monday at Kew Garden’s. It has been a lovely day sharing a pic-nic and enjoying an amazing treasure hunt within the garden! I’ve to admit that it has been my favourite day of the last two weeks! Ops! 😉

Below a view of the amazing Temperate House in Kew Gardens and my super tidy work desk!




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