At the beginning of October I came in Athens to start my EYE. I always liked the idea of being an entrepreneur and having my own activity and so, helped by my passion, I wrote a project about opening a record label. I was very lucky because after submitting my application I had been contacted by a record and production company in Athens. Now, after months of waiting, here I am starting my adventure.
Every day of this first 2 weeks has been a discovery. Indeed, I learned a lot about the activities of DNA Lab and I got to know all the people working for it. They don’t work only in the industry of music and that makes it very exciting, I see myself as a kid going to an amusement park. My job right now is taking care of the digital marketing but all the time I can see how they compose soundtracks and do the sound designing for movies. Just in these few days I believe I learned a lot about how a company like this works and the amount of people, competences, and time is needed to manage everything. Regarding the practical aspects of the record label I learned much especially about the distribution and all the job that is necessary to keep up to date the information about the artists and make them visible. Another aspect very useful that I’m learning is the one regarding press office releases and how to get in contact with newspapers, radios and magazines.
I’m really enthusiastic now, because all this project is even better than what I was expecting. Besides, Athens is a fantastic city and living here is wonderful. I can’t wait to see what’s next and learn about all the other aspects involving the activity of a record label.