Having reached the halfway point of the project, I’ve found myself in a place of profound realization – I’m capable of much more than I initially imagined. Each day brings new discoveries about my potential and abilities, pushing the boundaries of what I thought was possible.

During this transformative period, I successfully launched an art therapy project at Young Folks, which has become a safe space for participants to explore their emotions and creativity. The project has grown beyond my initial expectations, touching lives in ways I hadn’t anticipated. I’ve had the privilege of attending numerous fascinating psychology lectures that have not only expanded my theoretical knowledge but have also provided practical tools that I’ve been able to immediately implement in my work. The bridge between learning and application has been incredibly rewarding.

One of the most valuable experiences has been collaborating with another art therapist in a team setting. This partnership has opened my eyes to new perspectives and approaches in therapy. Working in pairs has taught me the delicate dance of professional collaboration – from the beautiful moments of synergy when our different approaches complement each other perfectly, to the challenging yet growth-promoting instances where we need to find common ground. These experiences have been invaluable lessons in professional development.

A particular highlight was co-organizing the Diversity Hub Riga project, a collaborative effort between JEF Latvia, JEF Ukraine, and JEF Estonia. This initiative went beyond typical networking – it became a vibrant platform where young activists, youth workers, and representatives of ethnic and linguistic minorities came together to weave a tapestry of diversity, inclusion, and intercultural dialogue. The energy and connections formed during this event continue to ripple through our community. And remarkably, this is just the beginning of what promises to be an extraordinary journey.

What fills me with the greatest sense of pride, however, are the remarkable people who now surround me. At Young Folks, I’ve discovered something far more valuable than just practical experience – I’ve found a profound truth about self-worth. The realization that I don’t need to be perfect to be valued has been transformative. This understanding isn’t just a casual insight; it’s a fundamental shift in how I view myself and my place in the world. It has given me the confidence to take up space, to voice my ideas, and to exist authentically without constant self-doubt.

The beauty of this exchange lies in its unpredictability. Events in my life have been unfolding in the most unexpected and fascinating ways, like chapters in a book I didn’t know I was writing. But rather than feeling unsettled by this uncertainty, I find myself embracing it with open arms. Each surprise has brought its own gift of learning and growth, and I find myself eagerly anticipating what the next turn in this journey might reveal. The path ahead may be unclear, but it sparkles with possibility, and I couldn’t be more excited to discover where it leads.




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