My third and fourth week in Elan Interculturel have surely been busier than the two previous ones, having assimilated a little bit more myself to the working enviroment and its inner “nuts and bolts”.
First, I need to say that the working team is one of the most efficient and helpfull in which i’ve ever been working till now.
Clearly, everybody has his own tasks and position inside the association, but in the meantime it’s almost impossible to find someone who should refuse to give his own support to the others in any kind of situation.
It happened several time, just to make an example, that i needed help to solve some pratical issue related to power point presentations or website contents and my collegue have always been quite happy to give their support to me.
In particular, during these two weeks i’ve been working hard to the Elan Website’s Power Point presentation and i’ve been starting to help our Web Manager Mena to work on the new platform, which is going to be activated in one month time.
In the meantime, i had the chance to read a file related to “Evaluation and Analysis of Good Pratices to Promote and Support Migrant Entrepreneurship” in Europe and to understand better which is the best way to start developing my business idea and to involve High Skilled Migrants interested in it.

A group meeting with my colleagues