The sun goes down early during the last couple of weeks here in Perugia, but the lights in Pashmere stay on for very very late evening. Now it’s an extremely busy period in here, but nevertheless my mentor Gabriele Galatioto spends all the planned time with me and thus we can share our experiences respectively with no interruptions! During the last period of my programme we’ve agreed to focus more on the analysis of my business idea and the business plan itself, so together with Gabriele we have done some steps towards that. We have analysed the respective market (the one of my chosen business area) together, he explained to me the key primary steps before setting a specific business and gave me loads of valuable advices. Together we have visited some stock companies and markets to check possible materials, to see the potential competition and just to get some fresh ideas (I’ve enjoyed Fiera dei morti the most of all the visited places!). I have also had a possibility to participate in the Rotary dinner and thus to meet and to talk with interesting and well-experienced business people here in Perugia. And on top of all I am continuing to do the Baltic states market’s research, so still a lot of work to do and one more month to go!




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