Sorry for delay, I was very busy & full of work in the latest weeks before Christmas and then the terroristic attack has upset my plans, but it’s all ok and now I’m in Italy, thanks God.
I will not speak about the attack, but only about the magic of Christmas time in Berlin, I’ve never seen something special like this.
Everywhere the berliners celebrate Christmas with decorations, ornaments and everything else to give to all a sense of the magic of this city which is even more special this time of year.
To describe the magic of Christmas in Berlin is really difficult. I’ll try to do it with these amazing photos (unfortunately you will see also images of the Christmas Market attacked, before the attack of course).
Talking about the work in the office, it was super exciting and I’ve acted on all that I’ve learned in the first month, about Youtube, Spotify, Deezer and Soundcloud services.
I got to know some other skills of sound engineering in the Soul Button’s studio, the label boss, like in the last month.
The office work is always really exciting and the city is always awesome, every day.
I discover every day new exciting and fascinating things, many of which were still unknown to me, or almost.
Now I’m in Italy in my hometown and it’s snowing… It seems to stay in Berlin!
Happy New Year!